1. Standard Online (asynchronous)
This format is the standard, semester-long course where students work at their convenience.
2. NOLA2U Live (synchronous)
This format is a weekly, live lecture broadcast from campus. Online students join the class each week and interact live. It offers the benefit of classroom learning with online convenience.
3. NOLA2U Flex (synchronous or asynchronous)
This format allows online students the choice of NOLA2U Live (above), or to view the recorded lecture anytime within the week.
Included in this degree is a General Education component of 30 semester hours. The purpose of the General Education courses is to provide the skills needed to achieve the four general education competencies. A 37-hour Christian Foundation core provides necessary knowledge and skills for students preparing for ministry. A 24-hour Christian Ministry major includes a variety of courses required of all students pursuing this degree. The student will also choose a minors with this degree. In addition, the student will have 12 hours of free electives. Students may also choose to take some of the classes at one of the extension centers, through workshops on campus, or hybrid offerings.
A student may choose to take this degree in order to receive a basic level of education based upon the competencies outlined in the BACM degree or to complete an intermediate degree which will allow one to continue work toward a baccalaureate degree. The Associate of Arts in Christian Ministry consists of 21 semester hours of General Education courses, 37 semester hours of Christian Foundation required courses, and 12 hours of free electives. Students are not required to complete the Associate of Arts in Christian Ministry before pursuing the BACM degree, though some may choose to do so. Students may also choose to take some of the classes at one of the extension centers, through workshops on campus, or hybrid offerings.
The Certificate in Christian Ministry is designed to give a foundation of ministry training for a wide variety of callings. All three certificates are composed of classes that are also in the Associates and Bachelors degrees, so students completing the certificate can continue their studies without losing hours.
The Certificate in Biblical Studies is designed to focus on Biblical Studies courses and help students be able to rightly handle the Word of God.. All three certificates are composed of classes that are also in the Associates and Bachelors degrees, so students completing the certificate can continue their studies without losing hours.
The Certificate in in Christian Education is designed to focus on Christian Education courses helping prepare those who may be called into educational ministry. All three certificates are composed of classes that are also in the Associates and Bachelors degrees, so students completing the certificate can continue their studies without losing hours.
This 84 hour online degree is our flagship degree that will prepare the student to serve in the widest variety of ministerial callings, including pastoral ministry, youth ministry, campus ministry, chaplaincy, and missions. This degree is available all online or may be combined with other in-person courses at extension centers or the main campus, including semester-length, hybrid, and weeklong workshop classes.
This 84 hour online degree is our flagship degree that will prepare the student to serve in the widest variety of ministerial callings, including pastoral ministry, youth ministry, campus ministry, chaplaincy, and missions. This degree is available all online or may be combined with other in-person courses at extension centers or the main campus, including semester-length, hybrid, and weeklong workshop classes.
This 85 hour degree is designed to equip students to be worship leaders and church staff members for ministry in local churches, especially for students with interest and training in church music. Local students may choose a concentration area such as voice, organ, piano, composition, conducting, and worship/hymnology. Non-local students may select the worship/hymnology concentration. This degree is available in-person and online as all courses are offered in online, in-person, and hybrid formats.
This 87 hour degree is designed to equip students with interest and training in church music to serve as worship leaders and church staff members for ministry in local churches. Local students may choose a concentration area such as voice, organ, piano, composition, conducting, and worship/hymnology. Non-local students may select the worship/hymnology concentration. This degree is available in-person and online as all courses are offered in online, in-person, and hybrid formats.
This 49 hour online degree does not have a thesis requirement. This degree is designed to teach students general theological knowledge.
This 49 hour degree is designed to equip students to serve in the music ministry of Southern Baptist churches and denominational agencies or institutions, or to serve as missionaries. Local students may choose a concentration area such as voice, organ, piano, composition, conducting, and worship/hymnology. Non-local students may select the worship/hymnology concentration. This degree is available in-person and online as all courses are offered in online, in-person, and hybrid formats.
This 54-55 hour online degree includes a thesis requirement. It is designed for students preparing for research degrees in biblical studies for the purpose of teaching, research, or writing in various fields of biblical studies. It is available all online or may be combined with other in-person courses at extension centers or the main campus, including semester-length, hybrid, and weeklong workshop classes.
This 54-55 hour online degree is designed for students preparing for research degrees in theological studies for the purpose of teaching, research, or writing in various fields of theology. The online courses of this degree may be combined with other in-person courses at extension centers or the main campus, including semester-length, hybrid, and weeklong workshop classes.
This 51-52 hour degree is an academic degree that may qualify its graduates to be eligible to be considered as candidates to enroll in a Ph.D. program. NOBTS has been approved by our accreditation agency ATS to offer the MA (Apologetics) as an all-online degree. However, although much of the degree may be earned online, not every course in the degree is presently available online. The degree may be earned through residential and nonresidential study, with limited trips to the main campus. The Apologetics faculty recommends strongly that Apologetics students attend the January Defend conference, which features some of the nation's top Apologists. Students can earn up to six hours of course credit toward this degree each year through the Defend conference.
This 63 hour online degree is designed to prepare students to serve in educational ministries (including ministry to children, youth, and adults; church administration; social work; ministers of discipleship, assimilation, maturity; and associate pastors) primarily in local churches, as well as missions, denominational agencies, and other related ministries. It is available all online or may be combined with other in-person courses at extension centers or the main campus, including semester-length, hybrid, and weeklong workshop classes.
This 45 hour online degree is designed to prepare students to serve in educational ministries (particularly as minister of discipleship, small groups, spiritual formation, assimilation, spiritual maturity, and associate pastors) primarily in local churches, as well as missions, denominational agencies, and other related ministries. It is available all online or may be combined with other in-person courses at extension centers or the main campus, including semester-length, hybrid, and weeklong workshop classes.
This 45 hour degree is designed to prepare students to serve in a variety of positions in missions agencies. The degree plan can be applicable to those presently engaged in mission work or to those who are preparing for mission service. The degree would benefit those who are now serving on the mission field with previous Seminary studies as well as those who are enrolled in Seminary to prepare for missionary service. Persons who have completed twenty to thirty hours of Seminary studies in preparation for service with the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention should be able to use those hours in this degree plan with academic approval of this Seminary.
This 45 hour online degree is designed to prepare students to serve in a full or part-time position as pastor or ministerial staff member of a local church. It is available all online or may be combined with other in-person courses at extension centers or the main campus, including semester-length, hybrid, and weeklong workshop classes.
This 45 hour online degree is designed to prepare students to serve in a full or part-time position as pastor or ministerial staff member of a local church. It is available all online or may be combined with other in-person courses at extension centers or the main campus, including semester-length, hybrid, and weeklong workshop classes.
Spanish online courses leading to the Master of Theological Studies degree are under development and will be offered starting later this academic year. Students should use the normal seminary registration process for enrolling in this program. Those needing assistance registering for this program may contact Dr. Bill Warren at wwarren@driftclothes.com for help in Spanish or the Registrar's Office (admissions section) at admiss@driftclothes.com or registrar@driftclothes.com for help in English.
To see the projected Internet and Mentoring rotation, download the Projected Internet and Mentoring Rotation HERE .
Undergraduate: $285 per credit hour, $80 Internet Program Fee per credit hour, $250 ($125 Summer) registration fee per semester. Total cost for 3 credit hour course is $1,345 ($1,220). Each additional course is $1,065.
Graduate: $275 per credit hour, $80 Internet Program Fee per credit hour, $250 ($125 Summer) registration fee per semester. Total cost for 3 credit hour course $1,315 ($1,190). Each additional course is $1,065.
Yes. All NOBTS courses are accredited.
You must bring your account balance to zero before the Information Technology Center will grant you access to your Blackboard course. If you discover you cannot access your class in Blackboard, contact the Business Office immediately at (504) 282-4455, ext 3210.
Yes (as long as it fits into their degree program and other requirements). To be sure, please check (before you enroll for the Internet class) with the institution to which you want to transfer the credit.
Contact Us
1.800.662.8701 x8064
504.282.4455 x8064
Tuition at NOBTS is signifantly lower than the national average. Download our tuition and fees HERE.
The Financial Aid Office offers a number of scholarships for full-time and part-time students at all levels of education.
The Caskey Center provides full tuition scholarships for Baptist bivocational/ small church ministers from selected states. These scholarships apply to certificate, undergraduate, or master's students in any NOBTS delivery system.
Students who have graduated from Baptist colleges and universities may qualify to receive up to 25% of their MDiv through our new Accelerated MDiv program, regardless of specialization. A href="http://ux.driftclothes.com/acceleratedmdiv/default.html">Learn More
Instead of paying for seminary up front each semester, NOBTS offers a monthly payment plan that divides tuition into more manageable installments.
NOBTS has affordable campus housing options for single students, married couples, and families with rates that are typically half the cost of living in the city.